PLUM Mobility Labs

The Labs Offer:
Immersive Student Learning Experiences through Gaming (VR, Driving Simulator, LEGO Robotics)
Proprietary Future Mobility 101 interactive student sessions.
Proprietary Future Mobility 101 "Train the Trainer" for teachers.
Hands on Future Mobility Tech showcases & demos.
Sponsorships of K-12 and College Programming as well as Student Contests.
Student Experience Projects - scoped by the PLUM team as opportunities to "hire" students.
Who We Work With
Examples of Previous Labs
Mall of America Experience STEAM event with National Center for Autonomous Technologies
High Tech Kids PLUM-MIGIZI micro-internship
Star Wars Day Future of Transportation overview with MIGIZI Green Tech Internship - Sustainability Cohort
GigaZone TechXpo and gaming competition with Paul Bunyon Communications
NSTI middle school camp with University of Minnesota
ACES high school camp with M-North College of Engineering
Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) Career Pathways camp with University of Minnesota
goMARTI self-driving shuttle fixtures project with NEXT Career Pathways program
Want to Join the Fun?
Do you want to join in the fun of Future Mobility with your students and teachers?
Do you have great tech to share with the next generation?
Contact us at hello@theplumcatalyst.com

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